
Identification of an Oil-producing Microalgae——Chlorella and Its Medium Selected
作者:梁颖[1,2] 冯俊丽[1] 徐方娇[1,2] 陈集双[2,3]
Liang Ying,Feng Junli,Xu Fangjiao,Chen Jishuang,(1.Intitute of Biotechnology,Zhejiang Sci-Tech University,Hangzhou,310018,China; 2.Marine Industrial Institute,Nanjing University of Technology,Dafeng,224145,China; 3.College of Life Science and Pharmaceutical Engineering,Nanjing University of Technology,Nanjing,210009,China)
机构地区:[1]浙江理工大学生物工程研究所,杭州310018 [2]南京工业大学大丰海洋产业研究院,江苏大丰224145 [3]南京工业大学生物与制药工程学院,南京210009
出处:《科技通报》 2013年第29卷第3期 40-46页,共7页
Bulletin of Science and Technology
摘要:从南京工业大学生物与制药工程学院获得一株小球藻藻种,经划线培养数代后,得到分离纯化的小球藻,18SrDNA鉴定确定其种属为普通小球藻。小球藻的常见几种培养基筛选结果表明,BG11培养基最适合该小球藻的生长。用牛粪浸出液代替传统培养基培养小球藻的梯度对照实验中,发现牛粪浸出液培养小球藻的效果很好,且浓度越高,生长状况越好。同时还对小球藻的粗脂含量做了测定,每克小球藻干粉中粗脂的含量约为0.206 g,占小球藻干重的20%左右。本研究为新能源的开发和利用积累了信息。
In this study the Chlorella species came from Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Engineering of Nanjing University of technology.It was purified by crossed culture after several generations,and was determined to be Chlorella vulgaris strain by 18S rDNA sequence.The medium selected result shows that BG11 medium was the best for the growth of Chlorella.Then, the cow dung leaching solution was used for Chlorella culture insteaded of the traditional medium.The results showed that Chlorella growth well in cow dung leaching solution,and the higher of the concentration,the better for Chlorella growth.At the same time,we measured the Chlorella crude fat content of the cultived Chlorella and the result was that about 0.206g crude fat in each grams of Chlorella powder,which accounted for about 20% of Chlorella dry weight.These results have an important significance for the development of new energy.
关 键 词:产油微藻 小球藻 牛粪浸出液 BG11培养基 粗脂
oil-producing microalgae Chlorella cow dung leaching solution BG11 medium crude fat
分 类 号:Q949.9 [生物科学 > 植物学 > 植物分类学(系统植物学)]

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